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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Minecraft Updates! (MCPE/WIN 10/Gear VR - 1.0.5)

MCPE/WIN 10/Gear VR - 1.0.5

If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
New Features:
  • Power Rangers Skin Pack
  • Xbox Live and Realms support on Apple TV
  • More commands (/title, /stopsound, /playsound, /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /me, /replaceitem, /spreadplayers, /testfor, /gamerule)
  • Command blocks
  • Minecart with command block
  • Game rules
  • Magnifying glass no longer appears over entered text in the Storage manager
  • Jump range of magma cubes fixed to correct value
  • Lapis lazuli icon now in enchanting tables
  • Accuracy of fireball shots from ghasts is now correct
Bug Fixes:
  • Finally fixed the villagers & peaceful mobs despawning randomly bug!
  • Mobs moving between chunk borders no longer despawn when a crash occurs
  • When a player's position shifts when reloading a world, players will no longer get trapped & suffocate inside blocks
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when a command with targets was executed
  • Fixed a crash when trying to share a file after selecting cancel when trying to share previously
  • The share button for a single item now appears in the Storage menu
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when a player deleted content through the Storage manager
  • The Original Music Pack once again can be downloaded on Gear VR (Gear VR only)
  • Fixed various issues with Storage
  • Pots are now getting the correct color for tinted plants placed in them
  • Fixed another bug that made chat messages appear twice in game chat
  • When the fill command is used to place blocks and then immediately destroy them, "phantom" blocks no longer appear
  • Help command now displays command description
  • Global resource packs should no longer be deactivated when creating a new world or relaunching the game (Android & Fire only)
  • Fixed a crash which happened when loading some worlds
  • Hostile mob spawning rules no longer ignore the Y coordinate
  • Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when a player incorrectly used the /kill command
  • Plants no longer stay in a player's inventory after being placed in a flower pot
  • Endermen again have idle sounds
  • The beacon's position is now correct when held in a player's hand
  • End_portal is now listed as a valid block for the /fill command
  • Toast notifications for Xbox Live invites should now appear (iOS only)
  • Clients can no longer change world settings when far away from the host
  • Slash commands now execute correctly even if the cursor is not at the end of the line
  • Rails, beds, and cocoa no longer leave behind "ghost" items when using the /fill command
  • Controller now works for scrolling on Apple TV (Apple TV only)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting the Choose New Skin button (Gear VR only)
  • Enchanted books again generate properly according to loot tables in dungeons/temples
  • Fixed packs sometimes being deleted after importing
  • Undead mobs again have their proper walking sounds
  • Fixed a crash on Realms when changing difficulty
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when a mob died
  • Villagers no longer pick up your items when you die
  • Mobs spawned with eggs will no longer get stuck inside blocks
  • Players can no longer enter blocks and suffocate after swimming with Elytra
  • The touch screen will no longer get stuck continuing to drop items from the first hotbar slot
  • Fixed a crash relating to structures when updating a world from 1.0.3
  • Chat will no longer flicker when the touch keyboard is opened
  • Villagers will no longer throw bread like they were baseball pitchers
  • When copying an Item with [CTRL]+[MMB], an additional copy will now be placed in the hotbar
  • Canceling the download of a Resource Pack will now allow for re-downloading the pack
  • Passing through an Activator Rail will no longer eject the player on top of Rails
  • Many commands now show better result messages when executed
  • Using 0 as [maxCount] in the /clear command now gives the item count instead of removing it
  • Fixed the spawn time of Mob Spawners to be randomized instead of constant
  • Mob Spawners will no longer always spawn the maximum number of mobs
  • Items can no longer be duplicated using item frames
  • Chorus plants will now play the proper sound when they grow
  • Maps zoomed out on an anvil now work the same for all players

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Villager News Help Center | Minecraft Villager News

There is a new website that contains Minecraft FAQ. You can comment your Minecraft problems or search some helpful Minecraft FAQ's. See it here!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Minecraft Developer Headline!

The tabs are alternate trees that are themselves advancements too. We support a lot, but we'll use 4/5 in vanilla.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Minecraft Updates! - (MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.6)

MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.6

If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
New Features:
  • The Worlds section has been added to the Store, featuring the Redstone Mansion!
  • In-game messages/changelogs are no longer tied to new updates
  • The jump range of slimes is now correct
Bug Fixes:
  • Skeleton horses spawned from traps can now be tamed and ridden
  • Baby mobs once again make idle sounds
  • Blocks that are destroyed by the Wither will now drop properly
  • Arrows fired from a dispenser will now hit entities directly in front of the dispenser
  • Snow Golem pumpkin heads will now properly scale with Add-Ons
  • Fixed the 'Cancel' button not appearing when downloading content from the Store without wi-fi
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the storage location of an imported resource pack set to active in Global Resources
Known Issues:
  • Some texture issues occur with the Festive Mash-Up 2016 Skin Pack and will be fixed in the next update
Source HERE!

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Parrots confirmed! The next week snapshot will have PARROTS! And yes, they can be tamed #MCPC :)

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Give me ideas

Hmmmmmmm...... What do you think should I add more in this website?

Can you give me ideas? Go comment Hmmmmm......

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Minecraft Updates! (MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 3)

MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 3

Please note that due a glitch in this release, it is possible for beta testers to access their Realms. However, accessing your Realm will upgrade it to 1.0.5 and any players on your Realm who are not in the beta will be unable to access your Realm until the full 1.0.5 release. 

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed several bugs with the '/replaceitem' command 
  • Entities will no longer spawn in lava with the '/spreadplayers' command 
  • Chorus plants will now play the proper sound when they grow
  • Maps zoomed out on an anvil now work the same for all players 
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to place any irrelevant item in Horse Armor slot using '/replaceitem' command
Source HERE!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Minecraft Updates! (MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 2)

MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 2

Important Note: If you are participating in the 1.0.5 Beta, you will not have access to MCPE/Win10 Realms while you are in the Beta. To get access back to your Realm, you will need to opt-out of the Beta and revert to the 1.0.4 build.
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback because we need your thoughts on what you think about this update! As this Beta is for Android only, some of the features & fixes may not apply as they are for other versions but it will give something for those players to look for in future updates.
Also, we advise all of our beta players to make back-ups of their saved games before running them on new beta builds.

  • Adjusted the levitation amplifier parameters when using the '/effect' command

Bug Fixes:
  • Saved worlds, previously added servers & any installed Add-Ons now appear again
  • Villagers no longer pick up your items when you die
  • Mobs spawned with eggs will no longer get stuck inside blocks
  • Players can no longer enter blocks and suffocate after swimming with Elytra
  • The touch screen will no longer get stuck continuing to drop items from the first hotbar slot
  • Fixed a crash relating to structures when updating a world from 1.0.3
  • Fixed 'Clear' arguments resetting 'Times' values when using the '/title' command
  • Previous output will no longer show any information for new Command Blocks
  • Using "/clear @p <item_name>" clears one instead of all specified items from the Inventory
  • Fixed '/effect' being unable to remove specific effect by providing duration 0
  • An error message will now state that 0 items were removed after using '/clear' command with a block that was not present in the inventory
  • The '/effect clear' command will no longer output a redstone signal from a Command Block if it fails
  • Fixed an invalid syntax error when using '/spreadplayers' command
  • Items with data tags besides 0 will now be properly removed with the '/clear' command
  • 'Entity' can now be auto-completed in the chat window when using the '/replaceitem' command
  • Chat will no longer flicker when the touch keyboard is opened
  • Villagers will no longer throw bread like they were baseball pitchers
  • When copying an Item with [CTRL]+[MMB], an additional copy will now be placed in the hotbar
  • Skin picker works again on Android versions less than 6.0
  • Canceling the download of a Resource Pack will now allow for re-downloading the pack
  • Always active repeating Command Blocks will now run their commands after being run in impulse always active mode
  • Passing through an Activator Rail will no longer eject the player on top of Rails
  • Many commands now show better result messages when executed
  • Fixed a crash when dying from Wither or instant damage effects triggered by commands
  • Using 0 as [maxCount] in the /clear command now gives the item count instead of removing it
  • Fixed the spawn time of Mob Spawners to be randomized instead of constant
  • Mob Spawners will no longer always spawn the maximum number of mobs
  • Items can no longer be duplicated using item frames
Source HERE!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The World of Colour Update! Submit your most fantastical build!

Hi everyone!
The World of Colour Update (1.12) is bringing some radiant changes to PC/Java, including exotically-patterned Glazed Terracotta blocks, vivid concrete ones, and even brighter shades of wool. Woo hoo!
That gives the artistic among you even more opportunity to create some eye-popping builds. And, for the first time ever (probably), we’re planning to include them in an upcoming trailer!
If you’d like the opportunity to get featured follow the steps below. It’s pretty simple really.

Submit your most colourful build

Load up the World of Colour snapshot on PC/Java and use the new blocks (along with any of the old-school ones - we don’t mind) to create a visually awesome in-game build. There are no rules to the theme or size of your creation. Just make it bright and awesome!
We don’t even mind you tweaking an older build, or submitting one that you think would suit the trailer. Just remember that the build has to prominently feature wool, glazed terracotta, or concrete for it to be included. That’s the point of the new trailer see - it’s showing off the new, colourful, blocks.

Take screenshots and upload your world

Take a few screenshots of your world and upload them to Imgur. Next, upload your world file to a file hosting site such as Planet Minecraft, Curse, or OneDrive. We don’t mind what you use so long as it allows us to download the thing without too much stress.

Post the info by March 29th, 2017

Reply to this thread with a link to your Imgur screenshots, and a separate link to the open world file. Name your build something that won’t offend our fragile sensibilities, but is original enough for us to remember our favourites! Please mention the name on both the Imgur thread and the filename.
You have until March 29th, 2017 to post the details! Get on with it! Thanks!
Source HERE!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Minecraft Updates - (MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 1)

MCPE Android Beta - 1.0.5 Build 1

Important note: If you are participating in the 1.0.5 Beta, you will not have access to MCPE/Win10 Realms while you are in the Beta. To get access back to your Realm, you will need to opt-out of the Beta and revert to the 1.0.4 build.
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback because we need your thoughts on what you think about this update! As this Beta is for Android only, some of the features & fixes may not apply as they are for other versions but it will give something for those players to look for in future updates.
Also, we advise all of our beta players to make back-ups of their saved games before running them on new beta builds.
New Features:
  • More commands (/title, /stopsound, /playsound, /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /me, /replaceitem, /spreadplayers, /testfor, /gamerule, /particle)
  • Command blocks
  • Minecart with command block
  • Game rules

  • Magnifying glass no longer appears over entered text in the Storage manager.
  • Jump range of magma cubes fixed to correct value.
  • Lapis lazuli icon now in enchanting tables.
  • Accuracy of fireball shots from ghasts is now correct.

Bug Fixes:
  • Finally fixed the villagers & peaceful mobs despawning randomly bug!
  • Mobs moving between chunk borders no longer despawn when a crash occurs.
  • When a player's position shifts when reloading a world, players will no longer get trapped & suffocate inside blocks.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when a command with targets was executed.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to share a file after selecting cancel when trying to share previously.
  • The share button for a single item now appears in the Storage menu.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when a player deleted content through the Storage manager.
  • Fixed various issues with Storage.
  • Pots are now getting the correct color for tinted plants placed in them.
  • Fixed another bug that made chat messages appear twice in game chat.
  • When the fill command is used to place blocks and then immediately destroy them, "phantom" blocks no longer appear.
  • Help command now displays command description.
  • Global resource packs should no longer be deactivated when creating a new world or relaunching the game (Android & Fire only).
  • Fixed a crash which happened when loading some worlds.
  • Hostile mob spawning rules no longer ignore the Y coordinate.
  • Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when a player incorrectly used the /kill command.
  • Plants no longer stay in a player's inventory after being placed in a flower pot.
  • Endermen again have idle sounds.
  • The beacon's position is now correct when held in a player's hand.
  • End_portal is now listed as a valid block for the /fill command.
  • Toast notifications for Xbox Live invites should now appear. (iOS only)
  • Clients can no longer change world settings when far away from the host.
  • Slash commands now execute correctly even if the cursor is not at the end of the line.
  • Rails, beds, and cocoa no longer leave behind "ghost" items when using the /fill command.
  • Controller now works for scrolling on Apple TV. (Apple TV only)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting the Choose New Skin button. (Gear VR only)
  • Enchanted books again generate properly according to loot tables in dungeons/temples.
  • Fixed packs sometimes being deleted after importing.
  • Undead mobs again have their proper walking sounds.
  • Fixed a crash on Realms when changing difficulty.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when a mob died.
Source Here

Friday, March 10, 2017

Minecraft Updates! (1.0.4 New features, tweaks and bug fixes)

MCPE/WIN 10/Gear VR - 1.0.4

If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here!
Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.

New Features:
  • Added Villager Trading!
  • Added Strangers Skin Pack
  • Music, sounds, and user interface can now be modified using Add-Ons
  • Added the Storage screen in Settings to manage worlds, resource packs, and behavior packs
  • New Add-On format: All of your old Add-Ons will automatically update to the new format. You may see warnings on those Add-Ons but they will be fully functional
  • The models for the Shulker and Ender Dragon can now be edited using Add-Ons
  • Husks are now a little bit taller than Zombies
  • Baby Villagers now have adorable, larger-sized heads
  • Addition of CDN for downloading optional content, reducing game file sizes
  • Added low render distance options for older devices
Bug Fixes:
  • Clicks are now registered when quickly right-clicking items in the inventory
  • Field of View will now increase properly when sprinting and Field of View is set to max in the settings
  • Ghasts will no longer spawn in tiny spaces
  • Fixed the placement of health and armor on the HUD
  • Fixed a drop in performance when holding a Map
  • Reloading a world will no longer turn thunder and rain into just rain
  • Fixed an issue where Villagers would no longer breed
  • Donkeys once again spawn in the Plains biome
  • Fixed infinitely burning fires that would cause gradual slowdown and spread more often
  • Fixed an issue where players could not sleep through the night if there were players in another dimension
  • Items that must be placed on blocks (e.g. Rails and Torches) can now be properly placed on top Slabs
  • The Nether Star can no longer be destroyed by explosions
  • Fixed chunks that can't be refreshed completely when the client receives new chunk data
  • Capes will no longer appear when wearing Elytra
  • Fixed the End Gateway in The End regenerating repeatedly
  • "The End… Again…" achievement will now unlock properly
  • Villagers will no longer wander too far away from their Village
  • Villagers spawned using the /summon command will no longer just spawn as Farmers
  • Fixed items sticking around in Item Frames after being destroyed
  • "DIAMONDS!" and "Body Guard" achievements will now properly unlock in Survival mode
  • Fixed dying twice when hit with two different sources of damage
  • Fixed medium/large-sized Slimes and Magma Cubes not having jumping or landing sounds
  • Fixed the hitbox on Stone and Wooden Buttons so they can no longer be stepped on by players and other mobs
  • Chiseled and Smooth sandstone now have the correct bottom textures
  • Zombie Villagers of different variants now keep their professions when importing a world from 0.15.9 or earlier
  • Destroying a painting no longer destroys the block behind it
  • Mobs should really no longer walk in circles if they spawn or walk on a block made from two slabs
  • Lava will no longer leak out of a Blacksmith's house
  • Fixed a crash that was caused by Ocean Monuments and Nether Bridges generating
  • Fixed a crash when a player changes dimension and there are other nearby players
  • Fixed the positioning of mobs that are sitting on other mobs
  • Ridden mobs (e.g. Spider Jockeys) can now be pulled into Minecarts
  • Spider Jockeys will now properly spawn with Strays or Wither Skeletons if the conditions are correct
  • Fixed mobs going out of fences when reloading a world
  • Villagers will now run slower when attacked
  • Fixed the message that appears after flying into a wall with Elytra
  • Fixed several texture issues in the Candy Texture Pack
  • Fixed a crash when importing a file into the game (iOS only)
  • Players who receive more than one stack with the /give command now see the correct number of items received in the chat
  • Fixed rotated item texture on dropped Anvils
  • Shulkers placed upside down will no longer appear unattached from the block they're placed on
  • Fixed a crash when exiting a game session
  • Arrows will no longer turn black after hitting opaque blocks
  • Fixed crashes when launching a world with Behavior Packs and Resource Packs that had errors in the pack manifests
  • Achievements will no longer unlock in Survival if Behavior Packs are used
  • Chorus Plants will now fully break above the part that it was broken
  • The game no longer needs to be restarted before a shader pack is applied
  • If there is a problem with an Add-On's manifest when imported, the warning message will now appear properly
  • The host will no longer crash when another player accepts a resource pack while joining a game
  • Resource packs are no longer duplicated when a dependent resource pack is added before a behavior pack
  • Fixed Gear VR worlds and Android worlds not showing up in each other's world list
  • Fixed a crash when using Elytra
  • Villagers will no longer do farming work if they're not a farmer
  • Villagers are less greedy and will no longer immediately pick up items thrown at them
  • Villagers are even less greedy and will now throw food for other Villagers
  • Fixed a crash when importing a duplicate resource and behavior packs
  • Middle mouse clicking on a leaf block will always give you the right type of leaf now
  • Various texture fixes
  • Armor will render properly in worlds that no longer have resource packs applied

Source HERE!