One step closer to 1.12!
    Easter's over, and we have it on good authority that it's almost Christmas time! This weeks snapshot is the final week for introducing new features, and we're now shifting focus towards bugfixing, polishing, and finishing the existing features that were added.

    Changes in snapshot 17w16a

  • An Illusioner! What are you hiding?!
  • Added tutorial hints, they only show in survival mode & only once
  • Fixed the output log for the server. Sorry about that!
  • Hide all toasts during F1 (hidden UI)
  • Added a message whenever the Narrator isn't available
  • Added keybinding options for creative toolbar saving
  • Added anti-stick coating to Glazed Terracotta
  • Renamed Hardened Clay to Terracotta
  • Optimized chain command blocks
  • Technical: Improved NBT parsing in commands - please let us know if there's issues!
  • Technical: Added 'group' to recipe json format, to clump similar recipes together
  • Technical: Added new 'keybind' text component, to refer to the player's keybindings
  • Fixed bug MC-9565 - Fences and Cobblestone Walls connect to Fence Gates, which are facing the other direction
  • Fixed bug MC-114889 - Parrots on shoulders disappear when flying up in creative or spectator mode
  • Fixed bug MC-115336 - Closing crafting menu drops or deletes items in some cases
  • Fixed bug MC-115528 - Local client crashes when using the new shift click recipe book in a server
  • Fixed bug MC-115603 - Shift clicking recipe deletes other applicable items with different meta data
  • Fixed bug MC-115797 - Server output shows errors and nothing else
  • Fixed bug MC-115802 - Crash when going to Statistics/items-blocks or trying to customize Superflat settings
  • Fixed bug MC-115805 - Fences/panes/walls/bars/torches connect to a number of non-solid blocks
  • Fixed bug MC-115806 - Clicking on coloring white bed recipe selects creating bed recipe (placing planks in armor slots of player)
  • Fixed bug MC-115807 - Game crash if right clicked on the underside of block with torch in hand
  • Fixed bug MC-115809 - Advancements/recipes notifications don't show correctly in F1 mode.
  • Fixed bug MC-115812 - Shift + F3 crashes the game
  • Fixed bug MC-115837 - Gap between advancements and recipe toast
  • Fixed bug MC-115873 - Can't drop items by clicking outside of inventory
  • Fixed bug MC-115938 - Toasts darken in some GUIs and while some tooltips are displayed
  • Fixed bug MC-115942 - Parrots imitating mobs causes null pointer exception
  • Fixed bug MC-116004 - "Parrot" isn't translatable in the "imitates" subtitle
  • Fixed bug MC-116136 - Parrots are invisible when on shoulder
  • Fixed bug MC-116213 - Parrots on your shoulder change color when the player is wearing an enchanted elytra
  • Fixed bug MC-116314 - Bows destroy other bows while crafting using recipe book
  • Added some new bugs!

  • Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can't fix it!

    To get snapshots, open your launcher and go to the "launch options" tab. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the snapshot and normal version, you can find a new dropdow menu next to the "Play" button. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (In the "launch options" page).

    Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

    Cross-platform server jar:
    Minecraft server jar

    Report bugs here:
    Minecraft issue tracker
Source HERE!