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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Minecraft Vote!

Enderman or Slenderman?
Comment below👇

Friday, November 4, 2016

Minecraft Vote!

Notch Or Jeb?
Comment down below!

Minecraft Updates!


Zis is ze nouveau snapsot !

An zis snapsot inclutz…

Notable changes:

You might observer changes.

Bugs fixed in 16w44a:

[Bug MC-2334] - Sneaking on shorter than full blocks (chests, enchantment table…) will make you fall nonetheless
[Bug MC-36360] - No player sound when “Friendly Creatures” are turned off
[Bug MC-73494] - Translation for white wool and white carpet is incorrect (US)
[Bug MC-86818] - Lingering and Splash Potions show invalid name in statistics
[Bug MC-87364] - Missing error message for failed scoreboard players tag
[Bug MC-87989] - Wrong line when casting fishing rod in third person view
[Bug MC-89174] - /enchant with any invalid ID displays message “There is no such enchantment with ID 0”
[Bug MC-92105] - Splash and lingering potion ignore Ambient and ShowParticles tag
[Bug MC-98922] - Fishing hook / bobber cannot kill itself after 1200 ticks and bounces on land
[Bug MC-99353] - Elytra becomes transparent when wearing enchanted armor
[Bug MC-102888] - Stray overlay turns dark blue when wearing enchanted armor
[Bug MC-105966] - Snapshot incompatible with realms message is missing
[Bug MC-106040] - Command Feedback From “/testforblock” the Wrong Way Around
[Bug MC-106062] - Language pre-selection is set to “English (US)” even with different choice
[Bug MC-106586] - Snowballs Duplicate When Thrown
[Bug MC-107172] - Hitbox of Marker “true” Armor Stands lets their names now appear above them
[Bug MC-107189] - Elytra still has big model with small mobs/armor stands
[Bug MC-107321] - Marker armor stands can be set on fire
[Bug MC-107494] - Cannot summon Vex with empty right hand
[Bug MC-107550] - Curse of vanishing listed in “Miscellaneous” tab
[Bug MC-107555] - /debug command missing decimal places
[Bug MC-107558] - Illager spawn locations keep original block
[Bug MC-107601] - /enchant command doesn’t allow to put “Curse of Binding” on skulls or pumpkins
[Bug MC-107623] - Observer Instant wire
[Bug MC-107631] - Smooth Andesite in Woodland Mansion is sometimes replaced by default worldgen blocks
[Bug MC-107639] - Shulker Box can’t be read by comparators if placed by dispensers until block update
[Bug MC-107697] - Llama’s spinning
[Bug MC-107796] - When open the shulker box make the shulker glitches back and forth
[Bug MC-107822] - Curse of binding cannot be applied to Elytra in Survival Mode.
[Bug MC-107872] - Random cobblestone walls spawn next to Mansions
[Bug MC-107882] - Comparator not updating when Shulker Box behind block is broken
[Bug MC-107977] - Item not shown in hand when middle click dragging
[Bug MC-108008] - Hitbox of Marker:1 Armor Stands lets Passengers appear now ABOVE them
[Bug MC-108034] - Wrong armor_stand hitbox and hitbox update
[Bug MC-108054] - Observer rotates when being udpated, moved and then reloaded
[Bug MC-108076] - cartographer villager unlocking exploration map causes HUGE lag
[Bug MC-108109] - Fire doesnt dissapear after death
[Bug MC-108128] - Chaining too many observer blocks crashes the game
[Bug MC-108159] - Duplicate structure file of woodland mansion room
[Bug MC-108168] - Shulker box isn’t rotated correctly with structure block
[Bug MC-108222] - Incorrect value is written for unlimitedTracking tag in map data
[Bug MC-108317] - Inconsistent capitalization “Note block” in subtitles
[Bug MC-108321] - Text does not appear in the action bar while chat is set to hidden
[Bug MC-108373] - area effect clouds created by exploding creeper ignore ShowParticles and Ambient tag
[Bug MC-108496] - Moving a powered fence gate with a piston doesn’t properly update the fence gate
[Bug MC-108521] - Animals have trouble jumping up 1 block when led
[Bug MC-108560] - Inconsistent dropper/dispenser behavior from observer signal
[Bug MC-108616] - “Local Brewery” achievement icon is an Uncraftable Potion
[Bug MC-108697] - Observers send out a 2 redstone tick pulse opposed to 1
[Bug MC-108731] - maxEntityCramming counts passengers and ridden entities as separated entities instead of one combined
[Bug MC-108865] - Fangs cannot be summoned on transparent blocks
[Bug MC-108877] - “Local Brewery” achievement can be obtained improperly
[Bug MC-108945] - The totem of undying appears on relog.
[Bug MC-108952] - Evocation Illagers run away from the player or villagers even when on the same team
[Bug MC-109020] - Weird behavior with taged & markered armor stands.
[Bug MC-109021] - Bursting lingering water bottle produces an effect cloud
[Bug MC-109058] - Shulker bullet, small fireball, wither skull and fireball cannot hurt/hit vex
[Bug MC-109078] - Entities become transparent when armor stand with elytra is rendered
[Bug MC-109086] - Piston Extension have missing model textures for Structure Void
[Bug MC-109150] - Player phases inside block pushed by piston when sneaking.
[Bug MC-109240] - Zombies picking up multiple items but only dropping one
[Bug MC-109255] - Fishing line has unlimited distance
[Bug MC-109256] - Casting fishing rod while looking straight down freezes server
[Bug MC-109269] - Player cannot cast a fishing rod while directly looking up
[Bug MC-109276] - Hopper clock spam empty lines in game output
[Bug MC-109277] - Fishing rod bobber has incorrect nbt values
[Bug MC-109290] - Fishing rod bobber floating in the air(Lost the gravity), when the mob died
[Bug MC-109306] - Shulker boxes lose their “Lock” tag when mined.

Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!

To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

Cross-platform server jar:

Minecraft server jar

Report bugs here:

Minecraft issue tracker!


Posted via Blogaway

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Minecraft Vote!

Vote a game that you love the most!
Comment down below.

Posted via Blogaway

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Minecraft Education Edition!



It’s been a long time coming! We announced it, created an Early Access version, and now…Minecraft: Education Edition has officially launched!

Oh, and don’t worry if you don’t understand these words because Minecraft: Education Edition is available in 11 languages and a whopping 50 countries!

Minecraft: Education Edition includes all kinds of cool features that make it fun and easy for educators to create and teach lessons through Minecraft. There’s even a dedicated Classroom Mode companion app that displays a map view, world management settings and more.

Just like all the editions of Minecraft, Education Edition will be updated regularly and improved on by a talented community of creators. Only this time, those creators are educators with great insight into how to invigorate their students, make them extremely smart, and set them up for a fulfilling, productive lives. I might be getting a bit carried away here but, yes, Minecraft: Education Edition is a great thing.

The official website already includes a bunch of tutorials, lesson plans, starter worlds and more, all created by talented users. It’ll also introduce you to the mentor’s program which connects Education Edition beginners with friendly veterans, all eager to share their timeless knowledge.

The complete version of Minecraft: Education Edition is now available to purchase for $5 per user, per year, or through a Microsoft education volume licensing discount. Learn more at!

Good luck expanding brains, teacher-folk!


Posted via Blogaway

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Minecraft Fact! (Halloween Fact)

Markus Alexej Persson also known as Markus Persson or Notch is an video game designer who founded the video game company Mojang. He has an net worth of 1.5 billion USD (2016) he bought the beverly hills contemporary with car lift an $70 million house (3,393,600,000).


Posted via Blogaway

Minecraft Fact! (Halloween Fact)

Herobrine, the ghost in minecraft many people and websites said it's notch brother. When you're playing minecraft an d see an tree without leaves, 2×2 Herobrine is in your game. But dont worry its just an hoax/fake in notch tweet he said "I dont have a dead brother, and he was never in the game. Not real. Never was." If Herobrine is real its just an mod.

Sorry for long reading I just want to share my knowledge with you.

